You’re a myth in the making.
Get my astrology calendar to receive 12 months of cosmic insights and access exclusive perks.
BizmosCEO is more than just a calendar:
All users receive 12 months of astrology insights that integrate directly into your phone and computer calendar (iCal, Google Calendar and Outlook). Fusing my astrology practice with my 10+ years of corporate experience, all interpretations in the calendar are written by me, easy to understand, and geared to help you find greater career success.
Access my astrology webinars for free (one webinar per quarter guaranteed — and more likely to be added!)
Receive email communications designed to deepen your astrological knowledge and help you use the celestial movements to your advantage. These emails will also be the FIRST place to learn about any astrology & tarot discounts or specials I’m running, most of which I’m only making available for BizmosCEO users.
Opt-in to receive text message notifications that I’ll send out to you directly with additional tips and reminders to keep you ahead of the astrological curve. This feature will be made available at the top of 2024.
Join the members-only page, launching early 2024, so you can login at BizmosCEO.com and see the most up-to-date calendar, find all information about upcoming workshops, read my exclusive astrology blogs, and more.
BizmosCEO comes fully loaded to help you plan ahead.
Use BizmosCEO to schedule meetings, plan announcements, launch campaigns, sign contracts, negotiate deals, travel, contact clients and customers, update your website, post on social media, and beyond. The more you use BizmosCEO, the more you realize how to make it work for you — no matter your job or industry.